Re: CERT, about NFS

Chris Ellwood (cellwood@gauss.ELEE.CalPoly.EDU)
Thu, 22 Dec 1994 14:10:59 -0800 (PST)

Leo Bicknell said...
>	I recall an old bug (possibly in a CERT advisory)
>about NFS and exporting to localhost.  I can't remember what
>it is off the top of my head, and I'm not at school to look it up,
>but I think it was something along the lines of if you mounted
>a filesystem to localhost permissions were no longer checked for
>some reason.

The problem with a host exporting filesystems to itself is that most
portmappers act as a "proxy", forwarding RPC calls to the appropriate RPC
daemon on the local host (apparently this is a "feature").  So what you
do is get the remote portmapper to forward a mount request to rpc.mountd.
If the filesystem you request is exported to the local host, then 
rpc.mountd will happily return a valid filehandle (since it thinks the
local host is mounting the filesystem).  The portmapper then returns the
valid filehandle to you, which you can exploit at your convenience.

There is a program called 'nfsbug' that will check for this and several
other major NFS holes.  I don't know where it is archived though.

- Chris <>
EL/EE Department System Administrator - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo